Welcome and Dedication |
My dear father ... May God bless you and may your soul rest in peace and paradise. This modest site which I consider a new experience for me in this domain is my dedication to you. You have left this world but your spirit, your smile, your humbleness and your efforts in charity and helping those in need remains here with us. I remember your priceless advices to me and to my brothers and sisters on commitment to Allah's path, the straight path and to remain close to those who are unfortunate in life. |
I pray for God to grant you forgiveness and mercy and emancipation from fire.
Dear visitors of my humble blog; I greet you with the greeting of Islam:
Al Salamu alaikum |
I welcome you to my blog of which its primary objective is to communicate with you and to seek your sincere advice and guidance; for a true believer is a mirror of his brother. |
Thank you very much for your time, and I wish you all a joyful and beneficial visit and please don't forget us from your prayers. |
Your Brother